Download Getting Over It Pc Ocean Of Games 📛

Download Getting Over It PC Ocean of Games: A Guide to the Most Frustrating Game Ever

Have you ever played a game that made you want to smash your keyboard, throw your mouse, or scream at your monitor? If not, then you might want to try Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, a game that is designed to hurt you. And if you are looking for a way to download this game for free, then you might be interested in Ocean of Games, a website that offers a variety of PC games for download. But before you do that, let’s take a look at what Getting Over It is, why it is so frustrating, how to download it from Ocean of Games, and how to beat it.

What is Getting Over It?

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is an action game that was released in 2017 for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It is developed by Bennett Foddy, an independent game designer and academic who is known for creating experimental and challenging games such as QWOP, GIRP, and CLOP.

The premise and the gameplay

The premise of Getting Over It is simple: you are a man named Diogenes who is stuck in a cauldron and has a hammer as his only tool. Your goal is to climb up an enormous mountain made of various objects such as rocks, trees, furniture, pipes, and even other games. You move the hammer with the mouse or the touch screen, and that’s all there is. There are no checkpoints, no saves, no levels, no scores, no achievements. Just you and the mountain.

The gameplay of Getting Over It is deceptively simple as well. You can use the hammer to push yourself off the ground, hook onto objects, swing around them, or launch yourself into the air. With practice, you’ll be able to jump, swing, climb, and fly. However, this is easier said than done. The game’s physics are realistic but unforgiving. A slight mistake can send you tumbling down the mountain, losing all your progress in an instant. And there is nothing to stop you from falling all the way back to the beginning.

The developer and the inspiration

Bennett Foddy is an Australian-born game designer who is currently a professor at New York University’s Game Center. He has a PhD in philosophy from Oxford University and has written several papers on topics such as ethics, aesthetics, and game design. He is also a musician who plays bass guitar for the band Cut Copy.

Foddy has stated that he made Getting Over It as a tribute to Jazzuo’s 2002 B-Game classic Sexy Hiking, which has a similar concept of climbing a mountain with a hammer. He also said that he wanted to make a game for a certain kind of person: someone who likes hard games, who likes frustration games, who likes roguelikes, who likes speedrunning. He wanted to make a game that would hurt them.

The reception and the reviews

Getting Over It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and players alike. It has a score of 77/100 on Metacritic and an \”Overwhelmingly Positive\” rating on Steam. Many reviewers praised the game’s originality, humor, challenge, and satisfaction. They also appreciated the game’s commentary by F

oddy, who provides insights, jokes, quotes, and encouragement throughout the game. Some reviewers also noted that the game can be seen as a metaphor for life, art, or game development itself.

However, not everyone enjoyed Getting Over It. Some reviewers criticized the game’s difficulty, frustration, and repetitiveness. They also complained about the game’s lack of features, options, and accessibility. Some players also reported technical issues, bugs, and crashes. And of course, some players simply hated the game for making them rage quit.

Why is Getting Over It so frustrating?

Getting Over It is not a game for everyone. It is a game that tests your patience, skill, and sanity. It is a game that can make you feel angry, sad, hopeless, or even depressed. But why is it so frustrating? Here are some of the reasons:

The controls and the physics

The controls of Getting Over It are simple but hard to master. You only need to move the mouse or the touch screen to control the hammer, but that’s easier said than done. The hammer’s movement is sensitive and precise, but also erratic and unpredictable. You need to have a good sense of timing, distance, and angle to move effectively. And you need to constantly adjust your grip and position to avoid losing balance or momentum.

The physics of Getting Over It are realistic but unforgiving. The game simulates gravity, friction, inertia, and collision in a realistic way, but that also means that the slightest mistake can have disastrous consequences. You can slip, slide, bounce, or fly off the mountain at any moment. And you can’t rely on any safety nets or checkpoints to save you. You have to deal with the consequences of your actions.

The obstacles and the setbacks

The obstacles of Getting Over It are varied and challenging. The mountain is made of different objects that have different shapes, sizes, textures, and properties. Some objects are solid and stable, while others are slippery and movable. Some objects are helpful and supportive, while others are harmful and obstructive. Some objects are familiar and recognizable, while others are bizarre and surreal. You never know what to expect next.

The setbacks of Getting Over It are frequent and painful. The mountain is full of traps and pitfalls that can send you back to where you started or even lower. You can fall from great heights or get stuck in narrow spaces. You can lose hours or days of progress in seconds or minutes. And you have to start over again and again until you reach the top.

The narration and the commentary

The narration of Getting Over It is witty but cruel. The game features a voice-over by Bennett Foddy himself, who talks to you throughout the game. He tells you about the history and the design of the game, he quotes from various philosophers and artists, he jokes about your situation and your failures, he encourages you to keep going and to not give up. He also sometimes apologizes for making such a hard game.

The commentary of Getting Over It is informative but taunting. The game also features a chat box that shows messages from other players who are playing the game at the same time as you. They can share their thoughts, feelings, tips, or jokes with you. They can also see your progress and your falls on their screens. They can cheer you on or mock you mercilessly.

How to download Getting Over It PC Ocean of Games?

If you want to play Getting Over It on your PC for free, then you might want to check out Ocean of Games, a website that offers a variety of PC games for download. However, before you do that, you should be aware of some of the advantages and disadvantages of using this website.

The advantages and disadvantages of Ocean of Games

Ocean of Games has some advantages over other websites that offer PC games for download. Some of these advantages are:

  • It has a large collection of games from different genres and categories.
  • It has an easy-to-use interface and a fast download speed.
  • It does not require any registration or subscription.
  • It does not have any annoying ads or pop-ups.

However, Ocean of Games also has some disadvantages that you should be aware of before using it. Some of these disadvantages are:

  • It does not have any official license or authorization from the game developers or publishers.
  • It does not guarantee the quality or the safety of the games it offers.
  • It may contain viruses, malware, spyware, or other harmful software that can damage your PC or compromise your privacy.
  • It may violate

    It may violate the intellectual property rights of the game developers or publishers.

  • It may expose you to legal risks or penalties for piracy or infringement.

Therefore, you should use Ocean of Games at your own risk and discretion. You should also respect the rights and the work of the game developers or publishers and consider buying the game from official sources if you enjoy it.

The steps to download and install Getting Over It from Ocean of Games

If you still want to download Getting Over It PC Ocean of Games, then you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Ocean of Games website and search for Getting Over It in the search box.
  2. Select the game from the list of results and click on the download button.
  3. Wait for the download to finish and then extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.
  4. Open the folder and run the setup.exe file as an administrator.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game on your PC.
  6. Launch the game from the desktop shortcut or the start menu and enjoy.

The alternatives to Ocean of Games

If you are looking for other websites that offer PC games for download, then you might want to check out some of these alternatives:

  • Steam: Steam is the most popular and reputable platform for buying and playing PC games. It has a huge library of games from various genres and categories, as well as features such as cloud saving, achievements, multiplayer, mods, and more. You can also find some free or discounted games on Steam, especially during sales or events.
  • GOG: GOG is another platform that sells and distributes PC games. It specializes in DRM-free games, meaning that you can play them without any online activation or restriction. It also offers some classic and retro games that are compatible with modern systems.
  • is a website that hosts indie games from various developers and creators. You can find some unique and original games on, as well as some free or pay-what-you-want games. You can also support the developers directly by buying or donating to their games.

How to beat Getting Over It?

Getting Over It is a game that is hard to beat, but not impossible. It requires a lot of practice, patience, and perseverance. It also requires some tips, tricks, and strategies. Here are some of them:

The tips and tricks to master the game

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you master the game:

  • Learn how to use the hammer effectively. You can use it to push, pull, hook, swing, launch, or balance yourself. Experiment with different movements and angles to find what works best for you.
  • Use both hands to control the mouse or the touch screen. This can give you more precision and stability when moving the hammer.
  • Adjust your mouse sensitivity or touch sensitivity according to your preference. You can do this in the settings menu of the game. You can also adjust your screen resolution or window size to fit your monitor or device.
  • Take breaks regularly. Getting Over It can be mentally and physically exhausting. You should take breaks every 15 minutes or so to relax your eyes, hands, and mind. You can also save your progress by quitting the game and resuming it later.
  • Don’t give up. Getting Over It is a game that is meant to challenge you and make you frustrated. But it is also a game that can reward you with satisfaction and accomplishment. Don’t let your failures discourage you. Learn from them and try again.

The speedruns and the records

If you want to challenge yourself further, you can try to beat Getting Over It as fast as possible. This is called speedrunning, and it is a popular activity among gamers who like to compete with themselves or others. There are many websites and communities that track and showcase speedruns of various games, such as or Speed Demos Archive. You can also watch some videos of speedruns on YouTube or Twitch.

The current world record for beating Getting Over It is 1 minute 19 seconds by a player named Lockness06. He achieved this feat on June 14th, 2021 using a mouse and keyboard. The previous record was 1 minute 24 seconds by a player named Distortion2. He achieved this feat on May 31st, 2021 using a controller.

The rewards and the

The rewards and the secrets

If you manage to beat Getting Over It, you will be rewarded with a special ending that includes a song, a message, and a surprise. We won’t spoil it for you, but we can tell you that it is worth the effort. You will also unlock a golden cauldron that you can use to play the game again with a different look.

Getting Over It also has some secrets and easter eggs that you can discover along the way. Some of them are hidden in the mountain, some of them are triggered by certain actions, and some of them are revealed by the narrator. We won’t tell you what they are, but we can give you some hints:

  • There is a secret island that you can reach by flying over the ocean.
  • There is a secret room that you can enter by breaking a wall.
  • There is a secret message that you can read by zooming in on a sign.
  • There is a secret mode that you can activate by typing a code.
  • There is a secret game that you can play by clicking on a button.


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a game that is not for everyone. It is a game that is hard, frustrating, and sometimes unfair. But it is also a game that is original, humorous, and satisfying. It is a game that challenges you to overcome your limits and to get over it.

If you want to play Getting Over It on your PC for free, you can download it from Ocean of Games, a website that offers a variety of PC games for download. However, you should be careful of the risks and the drawbacks of using this website. You should also respect the rights and the work of the game developers and publishers and consider buying the game from official sources if you enjoy it.

If you want to beat Getting Over It, you will need a lot of practice, patience, and perseverance. You will also need some tips, tricks, and strategies. And you will also need to discover some secrets and easter eggs along the way. But most importantly, you will need to have fun and to not give up.

We hope this guide has helped you to learn more about Getting Over It PC Ocean of Games. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. And if you liked this article, please share it with your friends. Thank you for reading and happy climbing!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Getting Over It PC Ocean of Games:

  1. Who is Diogenes?
  2. Diogenes is the name of the man who is stuck in a cauldron in Getting Over It. He is named after an ancient Greek philosopher who was known for living in a barrel and rejecting conventional values and norms. He was also known for his wit and his cynicism.

  3. Who is Bennett Foddy?
  4. Bennett Foddy is the developer and the narrator of Getting Over It. He is an independent game designer and an academic who is known for creating experimental and challenging games such as QWOP, GIRP, and CLOP. He is also a professor at New York University’s Game Center and a musician who plays bass guitar for the band Cut Copy.

  5. What is Ocean of Games?
  6. Ocean of Games is a website that offers a variety of PC games for download. It has a large collection of games from different genres and categories, as well as an easy-to-use interface and a fast download speed. However, it also has some disadvantages such as being unauthorized, unsafe, illegal, and unethical.

  7. How long does it take to beat Getting Over It?
  8. The answer to this question depends on your skill level, your luck, and your persistence. Some players can beat Getting Over It in less than 2 minutes, while others can take more than 200 hours. The average time to beat Getting Over It according to is 6 hours for the main story and 11 hours for completionists.

  9. What are some other games like Getting Over It?
  10. If you are looking for some other games that are similar to Getting Over It in terms of concept, difficulty, or humor, then you might want to check out some of these games:

    • Sexy Hiking: The original game that inspired Getting Over It. It has similar gameplay but with worse graphics and sound.
    • Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends: A game that involves climbing a mountain with a pogo stick and competing with other players online.
    • Jump King: A game that involves jumping up a tower with precise timing and landing. It has retro graphics and a dark sense of humor.
    • I Am Bread: A game that involves controlling a slice of bread and trying to become toast. It has realistic physics and a quirky story.
    • Surgeon Simulator: A game that involves performing surgery with clumsy controls and hilarious outcomes. It has various scenarios and modes to play.


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