Frag Pro Shooter [PORTABLE] Download ✅

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How to Download and Play FRAG Pro Shooter on Your Mobile Device

If you are looking for a fun and friendly PvP game that you can play on your mobile device, you should check out FRAG Pro Shooter. FRAG Pro Shooter is a free hero shooter game developed by Oh BiBi, where you can choose from over 100 unique characters, create your team, enter the arena, and start the combat. You can play explosive 1v1 duels against players worldwide, or team up with a friend or a random partner for a 2v2 mode. You can also try the payload mode, where you have to escort your cart to victory, or the street frag mode, where you have to destroy one target each. FRAG Pro Shooter has amazing graphics, easy controls, auto fire, FPS and TPS views, offline mode, and more. In this article, we will show you how to download and play FRAG Pro Shooter on your mobile device, as well as some tips and tricks to master the game.

Step 1: Choose your device and download the game from the app store

FRAG Pro Shooter is available for both Android and iOS devices. You can download it from the Google Play Store or the App Store for free. Just search for “FRAG Pro Shooter” in the app store of your choice, or click on one of these links:

Once you have downloaded the game, you can install it on your device and open it.

Step 2: Launch the game and create your account

When you launch the game for the first time, you will see a short tutorial that explains the basics of the game. You will also be asked to create your account by choosing a username and an avatar. You can also link your account to Facebook, Google Play Games, or Game Center to save your progress and access it from different devices. Creating an account is optional, but recommended if you want to enjoy all the features of the game.

Step 3: Select your game mode and start the battle

After creating your account, you can select your game mode from the main menu. You can choose between four modes:

  • 1v1: A classic duel where you face another player in a one-on-one battle. The goal is to destroy the enemy bunker as fast as you can.
  • 2v2: A team mode where you cooperate with another player to defeat the enemy team. You can invite a friend or join a random partner. You choose three characters from a deck of six, while your partner gets the other three.
  • Payload: A mode where you have to escort your cart to victory. The goal is to reach the center of the map with your cart. You can slow down the enemy cart by destroying their target.
  • Street Frag: A mode where you and your opponent only have one target each. You play on a smaller map and the game is quicker.

Once you have selected your mode, you can start the battle. You will be matched with a player of a similar level and skill. You can also practice against bots in the offline mode.

Step 4: Collect and customize your characters and weapons

One of the most fun aspects of FRAG Pro Shooter is that you can collect and customize your characters and weapons. There are over 100 characters to choose from, each with their own personality, appearance, abilities, and role. You can find characters from different categories, such as attackers, defenders, campers, wildcards, and centers. You can also unlock new skins and outfits for your characters to make them look more awesome.

You can also collect and customize your weapons. There are different types of weapons, such as rifles, shotguns, pistols, snipers, rockets, and more. You can upgrade your weapons to increase their damage, accuracy, fire rate, and magazine size. You can also equip different attachments and accessories to enhance your weapons’ performance.

You can create your own team by selecting five characters from your collection. You can switch between your characters during the battle by tapping on their icons on the screen. You can also create different decks for different game modes and strategies.

Step 5: Join a club and participate in club wars

If you want to make some friends and enjoy the social aspect of FRAG Pro Shooter, you can join a club or create your own. A club is a group of players who share the same interests and goals. You can chat with your club members, exchange tips and tricks, request and donate cards, and more.

You can also participate in club wars, which are special events where you compete against other clubs for glory and rewards. You can earn points for your club by playing matches, completing missions, and donating cards. The more points you earn, the higher your club will rank in the leaderboard. At the end of the event, you will receive rewards based on your club’s rank.

Tips and Tricks to Master FRAG Pro Shooter

Now that you know how to download and play FRAG Pro Shooter on your mobile device, you might be wondering how to improve your skills and become a pro fragger. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you master the game:

Tip 1: Switch between your characters and use their abilities wisely

One of the key features of FRAG Pro Shooter is that you can switch between your characters during the battle. This allows you to adapt to different situations and use the best character for each scenario. For example, you can use an attacker to rush the enemy bunker, a defender to protect your own bunker, a camper to snipe from afar, a wildcard to surprise the enemy with a special ability, or a center to control the map.

You should also use your characters’ abilities wisely. Each character has a unique ability that can give them an edge in combat. For example, some abilities can heal yourself or your teammates, some can stun or slow down the enemy, some can boost your speed or damage, and some can create traps or shields. You should learn how each ability works and when to use it for maximum effect.

Tip 2: Choose your strategy and adapt to the map and the enemy

Another important aspect of FRAG Pro Shooter is that you have to choose your strategy and adapt to the map and the enemy. There are different maps in the game, each with its own layout, obstacles, cover points, power-ups, and secrets. You should explore each map and learn its features and shortcuts.

You should also pay attention to the enemy’s team composition and behavior. You should try to counter their characters with yours, exploit their weaknesses, avoid their strengths, and anticipate their moves. For example, if the enemy has a lot of defenders or campers, you can use attackers or wildcards to break their defense. If the enemy has a lot of attackers or wildcards, you can use defenders or campers to hold them off.

Tip 3: Upgrade your characters and weapons to increase their power

As you play FRAG Pro Shooter , you will earn coins, diamonds, and cards. You can use these resources to upgrade your characters and weapons to increase their power. Upgrading your characters will improve their health, damage, and ability. Upgrading your weapons will improve their damage, accuracy, fire rate, and magazine size. You can also unlock new skins and outfits for your characters and weapons by upgrading them.

To upgrade your characters and weapons, you need to collect enough cards of the same type. You can get cards from chests, missions, challenges, club wars, and the shop. You can also request and donate cards in your club. Once you have enough cards, you can spend some coins or diamonds to upgrade them.

Tip 4: Complete missions and challenges to earn rewards

Another way to earn rewards in FRAG Pro Shooter is to complete missions and challenges. Missions are daily tasks that you can complete by playing matches, using certain characters or weapons, destroying targets, and more. Challenges are weekly events that test your skills and knowledge of the game. You can find missions and challenges in the main menu.

By completing missions and challenges, you can earn coins, diamonds, chests, cards, and other rewards. You can also earn trophies, which are used to measure your progress and rank in the game. The more trophies you have, the higher your league will be. You can also unlock new maps and modes by reaching certain leagues.

Tip 5: Watch videos and follow social media to learn from other players

The last tip we have for you is to watch videos and follow social media to learn from other players. FRAG Pro Shooter has a vibrant community of players who share their tips, tricks, strategies, gameplay videos, fan art, memes, and more. You can watch videos on YouTube or Twitch to see how other players play the game, what characters and weapons they use, how they deal with different situations, and more. You can also follow FRAG Pro Shooter on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, Reddit, or TikTok to get the latest news, updates, events, contests, giveaways, and more.


FRAG Pro Shooter is a fun and friendly PvP game that you can download and play on your mobile device. You can choose from over 100 unique characters, create your team, enter the arena, and start the combat. You can play explosive 1v1 duels against players worldwide, or team up with a friend or a random partner for a 2v2 mode. You can also try the payload mode or the street frag mode for a different experience. You can collect and customize your characters and weapons to suit your style and strategy. You can join a club and participate in club wars for glory and rewards. You can also complete missions and challenges to earn more rewards and trophies. You can also watch videos and follow social media to learn from other players and join the fragging community.

If you are looking for a game that is easy to play but hard to master, that is fun but competitive, that is colorful but explosive, then FRAG Pro Shooter is the game for you. Download FRAG Pro Shooter today and join the fragging community!


Q: How do I download FRAG Pro Shooter?

A: You can download FRAG Pro Shooter from the Google Play Store or the App Store for free. Just search for “FRAG Pro Shooter” in the app store of your choice.

Q: How do I switch between my characters?

A: You can switch between your characters by tapping on their icons on the screen. You can also swipe left or right on the screen to switch between them.

Q: How do I use my character’s ability?

A: You can use your character’s ability by tapping on the ability button on the bottom right corner of the screen. The ability button will light up when the ability is ready to use.

Q: How do I join a club?

A: You can join a club by tapping on the club button on the main menu. You can search for a club by name or tag, or browse through the recommended clubs. You can also create your own club by tapping on the create button.

Q: How do I participate in club wars?

A: You can participate in club wars by tapping on the club war button on the main menu. You can see the current event details, such as the duration, the rewards, and the rules. You can earn points for your club by playing matches, completing missions , and donating cards. The more points you earn, the higher your club will rank in the leaderboard. At the end of the event, you will receive rewards based on your club’s rank.


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